Number of facilitators
Expected output/s :
1. Learning how to write a story (64.5%)
2. Understanding the structure of the story
3. Knowing the different elements of the story
Expected short term outcomes :
1. Enhance creativity
2. Enhance writing skills
3. Debating skills/Consensus
4. Teamwork
5. Communication
Connection with long-term outcomes :
1. Promoted Learning/Literacy
2. Enhanced Social Cohesion
3. Improved PSS
Worked skills
Worked skills with this activity :
1. Creativity
2. Writing capacity : structure and periods of time in the story
3. Stimulate the imagination of the group
Prerequisites for the audience
Assumptions :
– Participants are happy to express (writing or drawing) their creative ideas and imagination
– Participants are happy to watch the movie
Tips and trick for the facilitator : for those who are illiterate or their literacy skills do not allow them to write, they can use drawings/recording and someone from the session can help them translate the drawings into written words.
Equipment needed for the realisation of this activity :
1. Paper
2. Pen
3. Pencil
4. Tablets
5. Music
speakers server, screen, movie
Content used
We recommand you a movie : “A trip to the moon”.