Number of facilitators
This activity sheet allows you to prepare a special activity where participants need to take their time to reflect and generate ideas. Do not give solutions but stimulate their capacity to think and reflect. Your role is to facilitate their reflection.
Objectives of the realisation of this activity :
1. Learn to have a clear and quick reflection that makes sense in the global conversation between group if teens
2. Generate new ideas, and bring something to others with your capacity of reflect and talk in front of a group of teens
3. Stimulation of some capacities of thinking
Worked skills
Worked skills :
1. Capacity of reflect.
2. Capacity of talk
3. Capacity of exchange in groups
4. Capacity of generate new ideas
Prerequisites for the audience
You don’t need prerequisites to realise this activity
To realise this activity you need :
1. Flip chart
2. Felt pens
3. Post-its
4. Pens
Content used
You don’t need a content in particular feel free to use the content you want.